Welcome to Kindling Wild, a homeschool blog where I help you spark interest, ignite a love of nature and grow wonderful humans to set the world ablaze. You are invited to join us on the journey.
My name is Deirdre, nickname Dee, and I’m a wife to Mike, homeschooling mama to five boys, and lifelong reader.
We live in Northern Ontario, Canada, surrounded by woods with our wild garden, big dog, and too many chickens!
I make up my own core homeschool curriculum using Charlotte Mason inspired methods and resources. My main mission in my homeschool is to enkindle in them a love of God through a love of truth, goodness, and beauty.
A few tidbits about me
- I’ve always wanted to write children’s books.
- I grew up in Nova Scotia so I love the ocean!
- My husband and I met on mission. We fell in love in Ireland and I’d love to go back someday!
- I have always hated our long Canadian winters, but since having kids I try my best to get out in nature every day, and that helps!
- My favourite fiction book of all time is Pride and Prejudice (of course!).
- I’m working to become a better gardener.
Our family
My husband and I got married in summer 2011 and we had our first son the following year. He is now almost 12 years old and our other boys are 8, 5, 3 and baby. All of our children were born at home with the help of lovely midwives. I recently was interviewed by Fiat Podcast (now called Wombs Made Worthy) to talk about my birth stories, so if you like that kind of thing, check it out here.